May 1 - Missoula, Montana to Billings, Montana - partly cloudy, cold, windy, snow melted 5 C - Montana has casino's - chains named Magic Diamond and Lucky Lil's as well as independent- Out of all the states in United States with gambling
facilities, Montana is number 6 out of 46 in number of casinos.
Montana has a total of 68 casinos and pari-mutual facilities at your disposal.
The casinos / gambling locations are spread out in 27 different locations throughout the state.
The town with the most is Great Falls with 16 casinos. Who knew:)
Missoula is really nice - would definitely come back to explore further. also would love to be at Rock Creek Lodge Clinton, Montana for the 31st Annual Testicle Festival July 31st - August 4th, 2013 - Yeah I couldn't believe signs either - Google it and find out just what goes on :)
Driving East we see Rockies with snow falling - heading into it - hope it doesn't storm - get to Butte and start climbing - snow still on ground and some flakes falling - 6393' we cross the Continental Divide and start down - steep, winding - grades where transport speeds are 25 mph and there are runaway ramps. Getting back into prairie - arid, no trees, just sage brush, prairie grasses, pronghorns, grazing cattle, incredible rock formations, buttes, mesas - could almost see John Wayne riding across the prairie and up into the hills in some spots - horses everywhere - old homesteads falling apart, historic towns, hey Boot Hill is in Billings - does it get any better.
Amazing scenery which I did not photo graph in fact didn't take camera out today at all :( Cold, windy, snowy not best photo weather - but think that I-90 is better than I-80 for scenery - well so far anyway - Montana is quite the state - a must see - however by traveling I-90 we missed seeing Mount Rushmore, Crazy Horse Mountain, Yellowstone Park, Little Big Horn Battlefield and , sob, Sturgis, South Dakota. Oh well next time - yeah right:)
tomorrow we head to Bismarck, North Dakota - so will see what else Montana has in store for us.
Are the hermits heading north to Choiceland from Bismark? it would be great to see you!